Translation Services

To access LanguageLine from your SNOM phone -

  1. Place caller on hold
  2. Dial 1-844-583-6053 Client ID# 101034
  3. Provide the language (see list below)
  4. Provide Department code prefixed by 9 (see below)
    NOTE: At the beginning of the call, briefly tell the interpreter the nature of the call. Speak directly to the limited English proficient individual, not to the interpreter, and pause at the end of a complete thought. Please note that your interpreter may sometimes ask for clarification or repetition to ensure accuracy.
  5. Press the conference button on your phone, use the directional pad to highlight the caller, and then press the checkmark key. 
  6. You are now on a call with the translator and the caller/callee

To access LanguageLine  from the 3CX App - Replace Ext# with your extension number

  1. Ask the caller to hold and press "Transfer 8000**Ext# enter"
  2. Dial 1-844-583-6053 Client ID# 101034
  3. Provide the language (see list below)
  4. Provide Department code prefixed by 9 (see below)
    NOTE: At the beginning of the call, briefly tell the interpreter the nature of the call. Speak directly to the limited English proficient individual, not to the interpreter, and pause at the end of a complete thought. Please note that your interpreter may sometimes ask for clarification or repetition to ensure accuracy.
  5. Press "Conference 8000**Ext# enter"
  6. You are now on a call with the translator and the caller/callee


Code Department Name
9021 Administrative Services
9723 Benefits Administration
9300 Building
9450 Building Maintenance
9003 City Attorney
9004 City Clerk
9001 City Council
9002 City Manager
9005 City Treasurer
9250 Code Enforcement
9101 Community Services Admin
9740 Daley Ranch
9032 Data Processing
9770 Duplicating
9108 East Valley Branch Library
9080 Economic Development
9601 Emergency Management
9402 Engineering
9412 Escondido Canal
9022 Finance
9600 Fire
9715 Fleet Services
9035 Geographic Information Systems
9115 Health Care & Community Serv
9081 Housing
9023 Human Resources
9031 Information Systems Admin
9110 Lakes
9414 Lakes
9772 Mail Services
9104 Main Library
9106 Neighborhood
9114 OASIS
9033 Office Automation
9105 Park Ave Community Center (PACC)
9103 Park Maintenance
9200 Planning
9500 Police
9102 Recreation
9422 Recycled Water
9407 Recycling
9704 Recycling
9024 Risk Management
9107 Senior Nutrition
9710 Stores
9440 Storm Water
9403 Street Maintenance
9771 Telecommunications
9034 Video Services
9420 Wastewater
9410 Water
9721 Workers' Compensation



Acholi Dinka Inuktitut Manobo Shanghainese
Afar Duala Italian Marathi Shona
Afrikaans Dutch Jakartanese Marka Sichuan Yi
Akan Dzongkha Jamaican Patois Marshallese Sicilian
Akateko Edo Japanese Masalit Sinhala
Albanian Ekegusii Jarai  Mbay Slovak 
Amharic Estonian Javanese Mien Slovene 
Anuak Ewe Jingpho Mirpuri  Soga
Apache Farsi Jinyu Mixteco Somali
Arabic Fijian Juba Arabic Mizo Soninke
Armenian Fijian Hindi Jula Mnong Sorani
Assyrian Finnish Kaba  Mongolian Spanish
Azerbaijani Flemish Kamba Moroccan Arabic Sudanese Arabic
Bahasa French Kam Muang Mortlockese Sunda
Bahdini French Canadian Kanjobal Napoletano Susu
  Fukienese Kannada Navajo Swahili
Bajuni Fulani Karen  Nepali Swedish
Bambara Fuzhou Kashmiri  Ngambay Sylhetti
Bantu Ga Kayah Nigerian Pidgin Tagalog
Barese Gaddang Kazakh Norwegian Taiwanese
Basque Gaelic-Irish Kham Nuer Tajik
Bassa Gaelic-Scottish Khana Nupe Tamil
Belorussian Garre Khmer Nyanja Teluga
Bemba Gen K’iché Nyoro Thai
Benaadir Georgian Kikuyu Ojibway Tibetan
Bengali German Kimiiru Oromo Tigré
Berber German Penn. Dutch Kinyarwanda Pampangan Tigrigna
Bosnian Gheg Koho Papiamento Toishanese
Bravanese Gokana Korean Pashto Tongan
Bulgarian Greek Krahn Plautdietsch Tooro
Burmese Gujarati Krio Pohnpeian Trique
Cantonese Gulay Kunama Polish Turkish
Catalan Gurani Kurmanji Portuguese Turkmen
Cebuano Haitian Creole Kyrgyz Portuguese Brazilian Tzotzil
Chaldean Hakka-China Laotian Portuguese Cape Verdean Ukranian
Chamorro Hakka-Taiwan Latvian Pugliese Urdu
Chaochow Hassaniyya Liberian Pidgin English Pulaar Uyghur
Chin Falam Hausa Lingala Punjabi Uzbek
Chin Hakha Hawaiian Lithuanian Putian Vietnamese
Chin Mara Hebrew Luba-Kasai Q'eqchi' Visayan
Chin Matu Hiligaynon Luganda Quechua Welsh
Chin Senthang Hindi Luo Quichua Wodaabe
Chin Tedim Hindko Maay Rade Wolof
Chipewyan Hmong Macedonian Rakhine Yemeni Arabic 
Chuukese Hunanese Malay Rohingya Yiddish 
Cree Hungarian Malayalam Romanian Yoruba
Croatian   Maltese Rundi   Yunnanese
Czech Icelandic Mam Russian Zapoteco
Danish Igbo Mandarin Samoan  Zarma 
Dari Ilocano Mandinka Sango Zo
Dewoin Indonesian Maninka Seraiki     Zyphe